Space to NOT do it ALL

So Life… Life keeps happening around us as we look to achieve our goals. There is a saying, “Man plans and God Laughs.” I really believe this and that under no circumstance does that mean we should not plan. Planning gives us direction and focus. Gives us a path forward, but it is not always going to be a straightforward path. Detours are real and happen more often than we hope.

I am managing a house, family, career, and launching a business (not to mention that I need time to recharge – self- care, friends, exercise). In the past few weeks, I have had to rearrange my life to accommodate a trip to care for my mother, completion of the businesses annual operating plan and moving the pre-production process forward on EN8 Apparel. I am exhausted and grateful for the support of my husband in picking up the parts of things that I feel I should be managing but just can’t get to.

Learning to let go and give those around me the space to support my goals has been a big deal. We all have our way of doing everything – “the right way to do it” but it is not the only way. In growing to understand getting it done at times is more important than how it got done. If how it gets done is more important than checking the box then do it for yourself. There is nothing wrong with feeling that way. Just realize that you can’t do it ALL, for your own sake, you have to let some of it go. Hire help, employ your support system, engage you kids as a teachable moment, use the other people around you to lighten the load for your mental safety.

It’s not always easy to ask for help.
Don’t always have the money to pay someone for it.
Kids don’t ever do it right.

Find a way to give yourself space to not Do It ALL!!

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