Be Flexible and Gracious With Yourself

It has been a while. Crazy times with COVID, sick kids, job that is all over the place, launching a business and so much more. I am now at the age where I am caring for my parents more and more while raising my children and trying my best to find time for myself. Things are crazy but I am working on keeping my head on my staying organized, focused, diligent and intentional.

Dionne with Kids while working (1)
Keys to good days:

  1. Have a Plan
  2. Work the Plan
  3. Be Flexible – things happen It is OK!
  4. Stay in the moment
  5. Celebrate all the Wins – BIG & small

I have learned that for me a plan keeps me sane and accomplished. I am organized enough to know what is next without having to think about it. At the end of the day, I have checked boxes – as the guys in corporate like to say “I have moved the ball down the field.” (Football analogies I will not miss).

Work the plan to stay on track. Everything can be a distraction (Squirrel!!) make sure that you are checking in with the plan through the day to ensure that you are where you need to be and doing what is going to help you accomplish your goal.

Be Flexible and gracious with yourself, having a family and busy lifestyle means things will come up that can’t be put off or rescheduled. If it must be addressed now, do it and let go of being upset that the plan has been disrupted. Flexibility and grace will allow you to know you can come back to the plan later while being in the moment.

The moments are so important, make sure that you keep your eye on the ball so that you are present for those you love. They need your attention as much as the things you are looking to accomplish. You will not be able to plan a sick day or injury or backpack that was left at home that you now have to drive home to get when you were planning to workout (it happened). Today is 1 day out of many, take the time to enjoy the ride.

Celebrate the wins! I started a gratitude journal this year to keep me thinking about the positives, the wins. Stop yourself in the hustle bustle of the day to say “I am doing and doing it well.” OR “That was not the plan but it all worked out.” OR “Another day getting it done.”

Keeping your head on straight is key and many times that means letting all the thoughts and to dos out of your head on to paper/ calendar/ notes seeing the chaos -> organizing it -> and taking the 1st step to checking things off the list.


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