SuperMom Syndrome Myth

Being a Mom is a hard job! First, I want to say if you are doing your best you are already winning. Many of us struggle with the desire to be a Supermom when we are only human. It is hard to quench the desires to deliver all the things your family wants and needs.

These past few weeks have been crazy with the end of the school year activities (recital, awards ceremonies, family visiting, and so much more). I am exhausted! It was a great celebration of my kids but my goodness do we have to cram it all in 1 month.

Trying to be supermom drives my anxiety when the awards are called and I hold my breath like they are up for an Oscar. I have tried all year to make sure they have the best and this is the point in time where you get to see if it all paid off.

We have to give ourselves a break, grace is a real thing that is not just for you to give to your babies but also extend to yourself. We work hard at extracurriculars, homework, and projects so congratulations on making it another year. I applaud you, the fact that you care this much and try this hard means you are SUPERMOM!!

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