Taking a Break then Getting Back on Track

This has been such a rough week for me. I just came back from a great family vacation, loving my extended family and enjoying time with them away from home. BUT vacations have a way of throwing me off center, not to mention the fatigue from traveling and the aftermath of clothes to wash along with all the other neglected house duties that Mommy has to handle.

Well I will admit that the week has not been easy and for a moment I had a mental breakdown (sometimes you just need to vent). Now it’s time to get my life back in order and on track. Be grateful for the time spent with family and look forward to all that lies ahead. The best thing about writing down your goals or creating a vision board is that you have a visual reference for course correction when things are a bit out of sync.

Here is what I am doing as I enter the weekend to prepare for success in the days to come.

First: Write it All Down (Purge)

  • In no order or reason just start to empty your racing mind of all the things you have been thinking about doing, needing to do or that have been keeping you up at night.

Second: Take a Deep Breath

  • Before flying into problem solving, realize that you have done way more than what is listed here before and that you are more than capable of getting it all done.
  • You are moving in the right direction – just the fact that you know what you need to do and have a desire to continue doing it is a BIG deal.
  • Don’t give up – you have come so far and done so much that this is nothing compared to where you have been so take joy in your progress thus far.

Third: Break It Up

  • Create buckets of what needs to be done this week, this month and this quarter – splitting the work up makes it more manageable, less overwhelming.
  • Note: if you are like me a lot of things feel like a “this week” but take a hard look at it and ask can I do it next week?? If so then, move it out to next week. If not, we will work through breaking it up into manageable pieces.

Finally: Make A Plan To Get It Done and Work the Plan

  • Focus on the week ahead, go to your calendar and focus a lot of time on the activities you have listed that must be done this week.
  • Ensure that you set a timer, put down your phone (no scrolling through Social Media) and crank on that item. If you are all done and have time left, relax until the timer goes off. If you need more time, find another time on your calendar to focus on your task again.

These tips have helped me to calm my raging mind and focus my attention on what needs to be done in the moment. Removing the distractions and holding myself to the promises I make to me.

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